Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Year means New Goals...

I am trying to figure out some attainable goals for the next year. The kind of goals that I will actually succeed at. So, here's a couple of little ones, and then one that I'd like to pull off somehow.

First, I have several projects that I need to finish and USE. So, I have already put one of them up on the wall and finished the next one. That leaves 1 1/2 projects currently on my table to finish. I am so good at starting these lovely projects and so lousy at finishing them.

Next I would like to start reading my scriptures daily if I can. I've never been good at that. (Confession there.) And would really like to start. So I have been following the Sunday School schedule. I figured that it was a good way to have some sort of program and keep me on track because I'm in the Nursery now.

The big one: Organize my house. I know that it's an on-going project, but I would like to be a more active organizer. And get the house painted. The paint's old. It's tired and we need to stay a little bit longer so I would like to have it look nice. And put stuff on the walls: Pictures, vinyl something.

There you have it. I am doing well on the first one. Okay on the second and getting better (wince) on the third.

Next project: Quiet books and felt food.


Melanie said...

great goals, I am happy to help, and would love to see your projects. I have a couple of quiet books, and I have decided to start working on another if you want to work along with me. But I am planning on taking most of the year to finish that one. Quiet books are A LOT of work!

Cherie said...


Have you seen this blog? I like her ideas and I've used a couple to get me organized!

kittyjty said...

i have asked a few people already and no one has ansered me yet. how do you make you blog so neat looking with the side decorations and stuff?

Kitty said...

great goals. good luck! :)

preciousbabysite said...

I enjoy reading in the quiet of the afternoon ..and celebrating what the bible or psalms can tell us.

Jackie Savi-Cannon