Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why First Impressions Should Never Be Last Ones...

I have begun to be a lot more aware of the fact that everyone doesn't have a good day all of the time, nor should I ever expect them to. I'm allowed grouchy/annoyed/stressed/whatever days and I should expect that everyone else is allowed them too.

I have also learned that first impressions do not tell the real/full story. I have had moments in my life this past year with people that I interact with (a lot) that send me in a knee-jerk reaction not to associate with them anymore if I don't have to. Man, that knee-jerk reaction... take a hike, eh? (See what I did there? "Canadian" reference. You have to say it like Bob and Doug McKenzie.) Back to thought process.

Once I have managed to set knee-jerk reaction back on the shelf (this sometimes takes A WHILE), I realize that perhaps I have caught someone that I really don't know as well as I think I do, on a bad day. This is obviously something I need to work on, and I'd like to think that I am getting better at it. I haven't gotten over being annoyed, trying to find the positive in the situation right away. What I have done though, is not drag it out quite as I've had enough experience with this type of situation to learn that I don't have to let it bother me. I don't have to avoid the person. I have to be understanding in the sense that I don't know what is going on and therefore don't get to jump to conclusions. And, that as long as I have a couple of really good friends, I get to be okay with those I'm having problems with.

Thank goodness for good friends. Thank goodness for friends that are becoming good friends. And thank goodness they took the chance to get to know me and deal with all of my "quirks." Now, I need to run upstairs and deal with kids that haven't gone to bed yet. Can't wait to see one of my very best-est friends. Hope he brings chocolate. ;)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

And... I'm back!

Wow! It's been a while since I've posted anything. Christmas crazy, New Year Crazy, Back to School crazy and then general apathy due to weather crazy. There. My excuses. Since we have them out of the way, I'll move on.
Since we were spending Christmas in Montana this year, at the in-laws new cabin, we opened presents with my parents beforehand. This would be the first year that we wouldn't see them at all during Christmas Eve/Day.
Then it was off to the new cabin. It was fun to see the area all white with snow and very quiet. Opposite from the usual summer buzz. Very fun to see Clark's sisters and their families and to let the cousins spend time together. Some of us went snowboarding, we played on the frozen lake, took a round a sledding and just ran around. I didn't get enough sleep, as per usual, but had a great time nonetheless!

I really loved the colors of the drive. Very monotone, but very beautiful.
We had New Years at our house again. Some of my family showed up and some friends came as well. I didn't really take any pictures, I spent most of the time hopping from group to group, making sure that everyone was doing okay. But, it was fun to be up at midnight, with some of the important people in my life to usher in the new year.
This past couple of weeks have been just busy. Clark headed out East for work and so I was manning the fort - again. But, we did okay and he's home now, which is all that matters.
As for New Year Resolutions... yeah, I don't truly make them. But, I am going to work on the house and my projects, as I say every year. I'm getting there though. I found new blankets for all of us (pictures to come) and some new shelves that I would like to get. So, projects not only in the works in my head, but forward moving. I'm looking forward to this next year. We have a couple of things planned, and then happily take whatever else comes our way.
So, another garden this year... with a backyard expansion, I hope. Going to be sharing the space with a girlfriend so she can have a garden while a new house is being built. We are also going to try and plant some more "funky" veggies, which I am so excited about. I am also going to take my hand at trying to grow a watermelon. Wish me luck.
Clark and I have our 10 year anniversary this year and so we are heading to New York for a couples only trip. Love the kids, but happy for some alone time, tromping around a city I love.
And always, some time in Montana. Love that we have such a great place to take the family. Lots of memories and family around to keep us entertained. Happy 2011 to everyone and thanks for being patient with my lack of posting. Things will pick up after this!